Uploaded on Jun 14, 2023

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Not just a unicorn factory: HSG at START Summit 2023
Dare to succeed, embrace failure and reach for resilience – this year’s START Summit looks more than ever like an illustration of the University of St.Gallen’s brand promise: From insight to impact. Achieving entrepreneurial success on all scales, gaining insights even through failure and developing personal resilience in times of disruption are exactly what draw people from all over the world to the University of St.Gallen. Many successful start-ups, well-known founding personalities and the START Summit itself have emerged from the University of St.Gallen, which has made us somewhat of a hidden unicorn in the European start-up scene.

Experience entrepreneurship at all levels at the University of St.Gallen at the START Summit 2023: studies, doctorate, research, teaching, executive education, partnership, collaboration.

The University of St.Gallen ranks at #8 on Europe’s top unicorn universities.
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